Your exclusive Matchmaking to the right connections
Meet Asia’s Ultimate Matchmaker
Making matches for people is something that Anisa Hassan has spent nearly two decades doing. Her track record includes successfully aiding more than 500 CEOs, doctors, lawyers, and bankers to find happy marriages. And she promises that as “Asia’s ultimate matchmaker to millionaires”, she can find your marrying mate from her personal black book.
As Featured
Singapore’s Luxury Matchmaking Service
A place where elite professional singles, and HNWIs are brought together.
Singapore’s Elite Matchmaking Service
Only meet with individuals who have been personally approved and verified by our team of matchmakers
A personalized service to assist each exclusive member to bring their best self to each date.
Award Winning Matchmaking Agency
We want to save you time by matching you with high quality, professional singles who meet your standards. Our matchmaking process is done in an exquisite & meticulous manner. No app, no algorithm, just pure people-to-people connection and much more. As industry experts with close to two decades of experience, our team has successfully paired thousands of couples who are happily married now. Our professional matchmaking service would help you get off the dating wheel and set you up in a committed relationship, for the long haul.
Client Testimonials
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With close to 20 years experience in matchmaking, why don’t you take a moment to speak to us?